

3 month / 6 month test

Joel E. Gallant, M.D., M.P.H.

Posted on Nov 29, 1998

Hi dr g, I feel the need to write in because i notice how many people still want to know why some say a 3 month test is close to 0 conlcusive then look at replies on sites like this and see some people don't seroconvert until 6 months. My doctor made a good comment regarding this (and it did help ease my anxiety) and i though it may help some of your readers. One thing to keep in mind when you hear people say they seroconverted at 6 months is 1) most of them really don't know the date of infection. 2) more importantly many of them don't test at 3 and 6 months but rather at just 6. So, many of them may have actually tested positive at 3 they just don't realize it. He even said (and you would probably agree with this dr g) that a case of someone realistically seroconverting at 5 to 7 months after infection is so rare that if it were proven to be true it would probably be studied and documented to check for any abnormalities to help future testing. I hope this helps some of your readers. I admit i was panick ridden and lost sleep over my test at 3 months. I had mononucleosis and thought that mono would delay the production of antibodies for hiv. I then tested negatvie at 5 1/2 months for hiv. Since i had a lot of joint/muscle pain all over my body and swollen lymph nodes it was even more anxiety on me because it was like a constant reminder that i may still be hiv +. But one thing i've learned through all this is to put your faith in the blood test(s) not the symptoms. They are MUCH more accurate. thanks gary from michigan

Прошу обратить внимание на дату поста, очень интересно читать пост из далекого 1998, где задается тот же вопрос, что и мы задаем в 2010, если кому то будет не лень, пожалуйста переведите, я английский понимаю, но писать не охота.


On Dec 1, 1998 Joel E. Gallant, M.D., M.P.H. replied: Thanks Gary, I agree completely. I almost deleted this question without reading it based on the title, because it's such a tired and worn-out subject. I'm glad I read it. I should add that I've also seen a few cases in which people insisted that they were infected six months before the positive test, because the exposure they had six months ago was somehow more socially or psychologically acceptable to them than the exposure they had one or two months ago. И отвечает чувак как Эрик или Ендрю)

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