

скажите что делать с мужем мы с ним 10 лет в месте растим сынишку а он раздражённый и последние 2года кидается в психе на всех а потом типа я виновата за лазиет в бутылку и успокаивается .как его отучить от таких успокоительных?


Hello miss and greetings from dr.love. Sounds like your husband is very abusive towards you and the family, and the heavy drinking does not help iam afraid to state. Unless your husband recieves some support and help for his behaviour towards you iam afraid it will get worse. The abuse will continue and the bad behavoiur will also become bad. I realize that we have to support the family unit and have you tried contacting his family or are they aware of the issues you have , dr. love

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